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Spay/Neuter Awareness Month

February 1, 2018
February is Spay/Neuter Awareness Month! If you haven’t had your pet fixed yet, we recommend getting this done right away. Read on as a Columbia, MD vet discusses getting Fluffy and Fido fixed.

Promoting Good Animal Welfare

One reason spaying and neutering is so widely recommended is that it promotes good animal welfare. We know, puppies and kittens are adorable, but there are just far too many homeless pets in shelters already. The best thing you can do to reduce the number of homeless dogs and cats is to simply make sure your furry buddy doesn’t contribute to the problem by having unwanted litters.

Health Benefits

There are many other reasons to get your pet fixed, aside from promoting good animal welfare. The surgery will reduce or eliminate the chances of your pet developing certain health problems, such as testicular cancer for male pets and uterine trouble for females. Ask your vet for more information on the health benefits of getting your dog or cat fixed.

Better Behavior

Did you know that pets are typically calmer and better behaved after they’ve been spayed or neutered? The procedure helps reduce unwanted behavior, such as spraying or digging. Pets that have been fixed are also much less likely to try to escape. This is another great reason to get your four-legged pal spayed or neutered!

The Procedure

Spay/neuter surgery is very routine. Pets can be fixed once they are about two months old. While it’s best to have pets fixed before they become sexually mature, adult dogs and cats can also be safely spayed or neutered. It is most often done as an outpatient procedure. Complications are rare, though not entirely unheard of.

Helping Your Pet Recover

It usually takes about two weeks for pets to recover from surgery, though the first several days are the most crucial. Make sure that your furry pal has a quiet, comfy spot to recuperate in. If you have other pets, set up a quiet back room for your dog or cat to recover in, and keep them separated. Your vet will give you specific after-care instructions. Follow them to the letter, and contact your vet immediately if you notice any potential signs of trouble, such as fever, lethargy, swelling, vomiting, or ripped stitches. Do you need to schedule spay/neuter surgery for your pet? Contact us, your local Columbia, MD pet clinic, today!

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