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Showcasing Your Dog’s Dental Appointment

November 13, 2014
Your terrier mix Trixie has the biggest canine smile you’ve ever seen. She’s a happy girl who grabs life by the tail, mixing fetch games and dog park visits with lots of belly rubs. During Trixie’s recent exam at your veterinary clinic Ellicott City, the vet remarked that your dog’s teeth weren’t looking quite so bright. He recommended an immediate dental cleaning for your canine charmer; and you’ve made an appointment for tomorrow. Read more about what’s involved in a canine dental cleaning appointment.

Easy-to-Manage Appointment

You can easily schedule Trixie’s dental cleaning appointment into your busy day. Take your pooch to the clinic in the morning, and she’ll receive a top-notch dental cleaning that day. Later that afternoon, you’ll fetch Trixie and her cleaner, whiter teeth.

Valuable Pre-Cleaning Exam

Before Trixie’s dental cleaning, the vet wants to get an accurate snapshot of her health. He’d also like a baseline dental exam; and he’ll study her previous dental records if they’re available. Hopefully, Trixie’s teeth will just show some plaque and tartar buildup, and gingivitis or bone loss around one or more teeth. If that’s the case, she’ll receive a standard dental cleaning. If the vet sees any red flags, he’ll call you before he tackles them. He’ll also probably recommend blood work, as he wants to ensure that Trixie is healthy enough for her necessary anesthesia.

Several-Part Procedure

First, the vet will anesthetize Trixie so she stays comfortable during the cleaning. This also allows the vet to safely perform your pooch’s dental cleaning. Note that throughout the cleaning process, a veterinary technician will closely follow Trixie’s vital signs. Next, the vet will examine Trixie’s gum tissues, requesting x-rays if necessary. After that, he’ll thoroughly clean her teeth, removing harmful plaque and tartar with efficient dental scalers. Trixie will also get a nice polish that evens out her tooth surfaces and minimizes debris accumulation. After the vet completes his work, your happy girl will relax until you retrieve her later that day. Trixie’s discharge details will probably include a home dental care regimen. Your veterinary clinic Ellicott City will likely recommend that you brush your girl’s shiny choppers often; and you’ll receive easy-to-follow instructions. The vet might also suggest a dental rinse and/or dental chews that can enhance your dog’s dental health. While keeping Trixie’s mouth healthy will keep you busy, you’ll increase her chances of keeping those gleaming teeth for years.

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