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Holidays with Fluffy

December 1, 2016
As the holidays approach, many people are finding themselves quite busy with seasonal festivities and preparations. If you have a cat, your feline pal may be closely monitoring you while you cook, clean, and hang decorations. In fact, Fluffy has some holiday traditions of her own! Here, a Columbia, MD vet discusses holidays with cats.


Our feline friends have been climbing trees for thousands of years, to escape predators and get a good view of their surroundings. When Fluffy finds a tree in the middle of her kingdom, she may try to scale it out of sheer instinct. All those dangling ornaments are also quite irresistible to many kitties. There are some things you can do to help keep your tree standing. Secure the treetop to the wall with fishing line, which won’t show but may help keep the tree standing. Also, hang any breakable objects near the top of the tree, out of reach of your furball’s cute paws. Last but not least, don’t put the tree near a desk, sofa, or couch: otherwise, you’ll be giving your cat a perfect kitty launch pad!


Kitties definitely deserve a few special gifts of their own! Fluffy will no doubt be pleased with classic cat gifts, like catnip mice or plastic balls, but there are many other things you can get her. Beds are always popular with our feline friends. Your cat may also enjoy a fun modern toy, like a robotic mouse or an automated laser pointer. Pet furniture is another great gift option: consider getting your furry buddy a new cat tower, pet tent, or window seat.

Holiday Hazards

This can be a dangerous time of year for kitties! Foods are one major concern. Many of those delicious seasonal dishes are toxic to cats. Never give your furball meat on the bone; dairy products; raw dough, yeast, or eggs; chocolate; caffeine; or products that contain xylitol. If you want to give Fluffy a holiday treat, offer her a can of plain tuna in water; cooked, unseasoned meat, fish, or poultry, with the bones and skin removed; or cat milk. You can also make your kitty homemade cat treats. Look online for great recipe ideas. Ask your vet for more information on safe and unsafe foods. Happy Holidays! Please reach out to us, your Columbia, MD vet clinic, with all your cat’s veterinary care needs.
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