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Pet Ownership Can Provide Surprising Health Benefits

March 1, 2015
Your border collie Jackie was born to run. This super-energetic girl thinks nothing of running laps around her dog park buddies, and then heading across town for her canine agility workout. Not surprisingly, your Columbia veterinary clinic is pleased with your four-footed athlete’s superb fitness level. Your canine companion has also helped to change your physical and emotional health for the better.

Four-Legged Social Secretary

Jackie would make a terrific cruise ship social director. Her friendly, enthusiastic nature makes her very approachable, and she draws a stream of admirers wherever she goes. Your sociable dog has also connected you with neighbors you rarely see, resulting in several social invitations.

Physical and Mental Booster

Your carefully arranged workday was a complete bust. Your car’s tire found a nail a few miles from home, and the auto club took two hours to tow your vehicle to a garage. With the tire fixed, you arrived at work to find that you missed two critical meetings. Your backlog of tasks was overwhelming, making it unlikely that you’d dig out today. Finally, you gave up and headed home, only to be trapped in a frustrating traffic jam. When you finally arrived at the front door, you wanted to snack in front of the TV all night. However, Jackie’s alternative plan involved a long, brisk neighborhood walk. Your persuasive dog sealed the deal when she brought you her leash with a toothy smile. Your frustration and stress were replaced with a happy grin. After you and your workout partner completed your extended jog, you felt physically energized and your mood was lighter.

Effective Anxiety Reducer

Perhaps you’re often hounded by pain, especially from a chronic medical condition. Chances are, your quality of life has gone down considerably, and the pain has likely made you more anxious. Good thing Jackie is a canine relaxation therapist. She takes her favorite position on the couch, encouraging you to pet her silky coat. While you enjoy the experience, your anxiety level decreases along with your pain. Maybe you should recruit your versatile pooch, along with your cat Foxy, to join your treatment team. When Jackie next visits your Columbia veterinary clinic, you’ll share how your canine companion’s talents have helped to improve your health. To learn how pets can increase the spring in your step, call us for an appointment.

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