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Holiday Gifts For Fido

December 5, 2022
Happy Holidays! As this year’s seasonal events and festivities get going, many people have their hands full with preparations. Shopping is a big one, of course. It’s not always easy finding that perfect gift! We may not be much help when it comes to shopping for your eclectic aunt or your grandmother, but we can offer tips on what to get your canine buddy! A local Columbia, MD vet suggests some gift ideas for Fido in this article. 

Stocking Stuffers

Health and beauty products can be popular stocking stuffers for people. They’re also good options for dogs! Fido may not get too excited over things like paw wax, nail clippers, brushes, and pet wipes, but they are useful.


Toys are important for your furry pal’s mental, emotional, and physical health. Dogs all have their own unique preferences as far as playthings go, so try a few different options and see what your pooch likes. 

Sprinkler Pad

While you may need to store this one until summer, it may end up being your canine pal’s favorite things. You attach these pads to your yard hose. When your dog steps on them, they shoot streams of water up into the air for him to splash and play in. This may be just as entertaining for you as it is for Fido!


Treats will definitely get that cute tail going. Do you like baking? Why not make your pooch some homemade goodies? There are many recipes online. Just be sure to stick with ones that only use pet-safe ingredients. Here’s a quick one: use a food processor or mixer to combine 2 1/2 cups of whole wheat flour, an egg, a cup of peanut butter, a cup of water, 2 tablespoons of honey, Divide into small portions, and cook at 350 for about 20-30 minutes. These also make great gifts for Fido’s canine friends. Use a cute bone shaped mold, and put them in a Mason jar. 


A new bed is also a great option. It’s important for Fido to sleep comfortably! Don’t worry if your pup already has one. It’s good to have options!

Pupscription Box

Subscription boxes may be the perfect gifts for both people and pets. It’s really cute seeing dogs get excited when they realize they have mail!  Happy Holidays! Please reach out to us, your Columbia, MD pet hospital, anytime!

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