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Keeping Fido Cool in Summer

August 1, 2020

Summer is just about here! This is a fun time of year for Man’s Best Friend. Fido gets to run and play outdoors, sniff all sorts of grass and foliage, and maybe even go swimming. However, hot weather can be dangerous for our canine pals. Read on for some great tips from a Ellicott City, MD vet on keeping your dog cool.


The best way to protect your furry friend from the heat is to make sure that he always has plenty of fresh water. If you have a large dog, a yard, or more than one pooch, we recommend setting out more than one water station. Your pup may also enjoy drinking from (or splashing around in) a pet fountain. Also, be sure to bring water along for Fido whenever you take him off your property.


If you don’t brush and bathe Fido enough, he’ll end up with lots of dead fur and dander in his coat. This will make your four-legged buddy very hot and itchy! Keep up with your canine pal’s doggy beauty regime.

Cold Snacks

Ice cream may very well be our favorite summertime treat. You can pick up doggy ice cream for Fido at many pet stores or grocery stores. You can also make your own! There are some great recipes online. Just choose ones that use pet-safe ingredients. You can also give your pooch a few ice cubes to chew on when it’s really hot out.

Splashing Around

If your canine companion likes swimming, then by all means indulge him. Just be sure to put safety first. Never leave your dog unattended near water, even for a moment.


Have you ever wondered why hammocks are so popular in tropical regions? They stay cooler than regular beds, because air flows beneath them. While a hammock may not be a great option for Fido, you can get him a cot-type doggy bed that’s raised up off the ground a bit. If you really want to spoil your pup, point fan at or over his bed.


In summer, it’s usually hottest in the middle of the day. Try to avoid walking or playing with Fido at this time. Enjoy a cool morning or evening walk with your furry pal instead.

Please reach out to us, your Ellicott City, MD vet clinic, anytime. We’re dedicated to providing great care! 

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