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New Year’s Resolutions For Kittens

January 1, 2022
Happy New Year! The start of a new year is a great time to reflect on not only the past year, but our goals and priorities for the next one. If you’re kicking off 2022 with a new kitten, you’ve definitely got some adorable moments ahead of you. Your fuzzy buddy has some pretty big goals for the coming year. Here, a Columbia, MD veterinarian lists some things little Fluffy may want to achieve next year.


Your tiny ball of fur won’t be a baby for long. It’s important for your pet to get proper nutrition during that growth spurt. Ask your vet to recommend a good kitten food. Don’t forget to take lots of pictures of little Fluffy’s adorable toddler stage!

Purrfect The Pounce

Little Fluffy is going to be spending a lot of time trying to sort out how all of those claws and teeth work. This is the time to instill good habits. Play with your pet daily, using a toy you control from a distance. Wand toys, laser pointers, and remote-controlled toys are all good options. This will teach your furball to take her aggression out on her playthings, rather than on you.

Catch That Red Dot

Unfortunately, your feline friend probably isn’t going to make this goal. However, she’ll definitely have fun trying.

Charm My Doctor

Your pint-sized pal will need to come in a few times in the first year. In addition to her initial exams, your furball will need spay or neuter surgery, microchipping. We never get tired of meeting new kittens, and love watching them grow into healthy, happy adult cats!


All cats are sleepy, but kittens are extra tired. Little Fluffy does have a pretty good excuse here: feline growth hormones are released during sleep cycles, so those naps are crucial to her development. Offer her lots of beds and napping spots.

Take Control Of The Human

Kitties are very good at meowpulating us. You may find your heart melting the first time you look into your feline pal’s adorable furry face. Don’t be surprised if by the end of the year, little Fluffy has you trained to feed, pet, and pick her up on demand. Happy New Year from Claws N Paws Animal Hospital, your Columbia, MD pet clinic! We look forward to serving your pet’s veterinary care needs in 2022 and beyond.

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